This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed by Arise Recovery Centers and how you can get access to this information. Please review carefully.
Arise Recovery Centers, and all associates are committed to providing you with quality behavioral healthcare services. An important part of that commitment is protecting your health information according to applicable law. This notice (“Notice of Privacy Practices”) describes your rights and our duties under Federal Law. Protected health information (“PHI”) is information about you, including demographic information, that may identify you and that relates to your past, present or future physical or mental health or condition; the provision of healthcare services; or the past, present, or future payment for the provision of healthcare services to you.
The following categories describe various ways that Arise Recovery Centers uses and discloses Protected Health Information (PHI).
Treatment & Arise Recovery Centers Personnel. We may use or disclose information between or among personnel having a need for the information in connection with their duties that arise out of the provision of diagnosis, treatment, or referral for treatment of alcohol or drug abuse, provided such communication is between the treatment team and other Arise Recovery offices. For example, our staff, including doctors, nurses, and clinicians, will use your PHI to provide your treatment care. Your PHI may be used in connection with billing statements we send you and in connection with tracking charges and credits to your account. Your PHI will be used to check for eligibility for insurance coverage and prepare claims for your insurance company where appropriate. We may use and disclose your PHI in order to conduct our healthcare business and to perform functions associated with our business activities, including accreditation and licensing.
Secretary of Health and Human Services. We are required to disclose PHI to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services when the Secretary is investigating or determining our compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Rules.
Business Associates. We may disclose your PHI to Business Associates that are contracted by us to perform services on our behalf which may involve receipt,use or disclose of your PHI. All of our Business Associates must agree to: (i) Protect the privacy of your PHI; (ii) Use and disclose the information only for the purposes for which the Business Associate was engaged; (iii) Be bound by 42 CFR Part 2; and (iv) if necessary, resist in judicial proceedings any efforts to obtain access to patient records except as permitted by law.
Reports of Suspected Child Abuse & Neglect. We may disclose information required to report under state law incidents of suspected child abuse and neglect to the appropriate state or local authorities. However, we may not disclose the original patient records, including for civil or criminal proceedings which may arise out of the report of suspected child abuse and neglect, without consent.
Court Order. We may disclose information required by a court order, provided certain regulatory requirements are met.
Emergency Situations. We may disclose information to medical personnel for the purpose of treating you in an emergency.
Research. We may use and disclose your information for research if certain requirements are met, such as approval by an Institutional Review Board.
Audit & Evaluation Activities. We may disclose your information to persons conducting certain audit and evaluation activities, provided the person agrees to certain restrictions on disclosure of information:
Reporting of Death. We may disclose your information related to cause of death to a public health authority that is authorized to receive such information.
Other than as stated above, we will not use or disclose your PHI other than with your written authorization. Subject to compliance with limited exceptions, we will not use or disclose psychotherapy notes, use or disclose your PHI for marketing purposes, or sell your PHI unless you have signed an authorization. While we may refer you to another treatment facility and provide PHI at your writtend direction, we will never sell your information. If you or your representative authorize us to use or disclose your PHI, you may revoke that authorization in writing at any time to stop future uses or disclosures. We will honor oral revocations upon authenticating your identity until a written revocation is obtained. Your revocation will not affect any use or disclosures permitted by your authorization while it was in effect.
The confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records maintained by us is protected by Federal law and regulations. Generally, we may not say to a person outside the treatment center that you are a patient of the treatment center, or disclose any information identifying you as an alcohol or drug abuser unless:
Violation of the Federal law and regulations by the treatment center is a crime. Suspected violations may be reported to appropriate authorities in accordance with Federal regulations.
Federal law and regulations do not protect any information about a crime committed by you either at the treatment center or against any person who works for the treatment center or about any threat to commit such a crime (as discussed below in “Uses and Disclosures”).
Federal laws and regulations do not protect any information about suspected child abuse or neglect from being reported under State law to appropriate State or local authorities (as discussed below in “Uses and Disclosures”).
See 42 U.S.C. 290dd-3 and 42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 for Federal laws and 42 CFR part 2 for Federal regulations.
Right to Access: You have the right to request to inspect and/or get copies of your own protected health information for as long as we maintain it, as required by law. You must submit your request in writing to the Privacy Official. If you request a copy of the information, we may charge a fee for the costs of copying, mailing, staff time or other supplies associated with your request. We may deny your request to inspect and copy in certain circumstances. If you are denied access to protected health information, you may request that the denial be reviewed. Another licensed health care professional chosen by Arise Recovery Centers will review your request and the denial. The person conducting the review will not be the person who denied your request. We will comply with the outcome of the review.
Right to an Electronic Copy of Electronic Medical Records: If your protected health information is maintained in an electronic format (known as an electronic medical record or an electronic health record), you have the right to request that an electronic copy of your record be given to you or transmitted to another individual or entity.
Notification of a Breach: You have the right to be notified in the event that we (or one of our Business Associates) discover a breach of any of your unsecured protected health information.
Right to Amend: You have the right to request that we amend your protected health information if you feel the information is wrong or incomplete. To request an amendment, your request must be made writing explaining why the information should be amended and submitted to our Privacy Official. We may deny your request under certain circumstances.
Right to Request Restrictions: You have the right to request that we place additional restrictions on our use or disclosure of your protected health information. We are not required to agree to any restriction that you may request. If we do agree to the restriction, we will comply with that restriction unless the information is needed to provide emergency treatment to you or unless the use or disclosure is otherwise permitted by law.
Right to an Accounting of Disclosures: You have the right to request a list of instances in which we disclosure your protected health information during the last 6 years. If you request this accounting more than once in a 12 month period we may charge you a reasonable, cost-based fee for responding to these additional requests.
Out-of-Pocket Payments: If you paid out-of-pocket (or in other words, you have requested that we not bill your health plan) in full for a specific item or service, you have the right to request in writing that your protected health information with respect to that item or service not be disclosed to a health plan for purposes of payment or healthcare operations, and we will honor that request.
Right to Request Confidential Communications: You have the right to request that we communicate with you about your protected health information by alternative means or alternative locations. Your request must be made in writing and must specify the alternative means or location, and provide satisfactory explanation of how payments will be handled under the alternative means or location you requested.
Right to a Paper Copy: If you have received this Notice electronically, you have the right to a paper copy at any time. You may download a paper copy of this Notice from our website, at, or from our Privacy Official.
We reserve the right to change this Notice and to make the provisions in our new Notice effective for all protected health information we maintain, provided such changes are permitted or required by applicable law. If we change these practices, we will publish a revised Notice of Privacy Practices and make it available to you.
If you are concerned that we may have violated your privacy rights, or you disagree with a decision we made regarding your health information, you may express your written complaint to us or the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services at the address below.
Our Privacy Official’s contact information is listed below. If you want more information about our privacy policy or have questions or concerns, please contact us. Our Compliance Official can be contacted at:
Arise Recovery Centers
5440 Harvest Hill Rd
Suite #230
Dallas, TX 75230
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services If you would like to submit a complaint directly to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services please send it to the following address:
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Office of Civil Rights
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201
We support your right to privacy of your protected health information. You will not be retaliated against in any way if you choose to file a complaint with us or with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The Arise Recovery Centers is committed to protecting your privacy. The following discloses our information collection and use practices for our Website.
What information does collect and how is it used?
When you request assistance, submit an information request, join a discussion list, subscribe to a newsletter, or contact us for support, we ask for your contact information, which is used for internal operations and/or to provide you with updated information on our services.
If you contact us, we may invite you afterwards to let us know how we’re doing by participating in an online survey.
Users may opt-out of receiving future marketing mailings. See the opt-out section below.
Certain Exceptional Disclosures
We may disclose your information if necessary to protect our legal rights or if the information relates to actual or threatened harmful conduct. Disclosure may be required by law or if we receive legal process.
How does use cookies?
We use “cookies” to help create a more effective and convenient site experience. By showing us how and when visitors use the site, “cookies” help us determine which areas are popular and which are not. Many improvements and updates to the site are based on data such as total number of visitors and pages viewed. does not store any sensitive information in the cookie.
What measures are in place to protect customer information?
Our form submission process is encrypted using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol.
How does AriseRecoveryCenters use my e-mail address and can I opt-out of receiving Arise Recovery Centers e-mail messages?
If at any time you decide that you do not want to receive further marketing messages from us, each e-mail will include a link to our unsubscribe page. Your contact information may be forwarded to an authorized Arise Recovery Centers reseller in your area, in which case you may need to follow-up with them. Unsubscribing will not interrupt any ongoing conversations you may be having with Arise Recovery Centers.
Your e-mail address will be used to respond to your query. In some cases, we may invite you to participate in an online survey to let us know how we are doing.
Subscribing to the Arise Recovery Centers Newsletter: When you sign up for the Arise Recovery Centers Newsletter, your e-mail address is not used for any purpose other than to send you the newsletter on a monthly basis.
Subscribing to a discussion list: When you sign up for a discussion list, your e-mail address is not used for any purpose other than to send you the discussion list in the format you choose on the discussion lists page. You may unsubscribe or change your format preference from the discussion lists page.
If you are using the same e-mail address for multiple items above, the e-mail usage information for downloading an evaluation takes precedence over all other e-mail usage information.
You may also remove yourself from our marketing list by sending an e-mail to from the e-mail address you would like to unsubscribe from.
If you opt out or unsubscribe, we may, in compliance with the United States CAN SPAM Act of 2003, run our suppression list (addresses not to be emailed) against another list of names for an Arise Recovery Centers mailing or provide our suppression list to a third party for such verification.
When you opt-out or unsubscribe, you are doing so from our marketing messages. Arise Recovery Centers may continue to send you transactional messages relevant to our business relationship. Transactional messages include information on our services, Service Agreement and subscription expirations and renewals, responses to inquiries, surveys and other information related to the service that you requested.
Can I change/modify my contact info?
Arise Recovery Centers gives users the option to modify their contact information previously provided. Send e-mail to:
Adware Policy
Arise Recovery Centers does not embed advertising (adware) in any of our software, for two principal reasons. First, adware can be used to monitor your use of software (such as sites selected or files used) or to provide demographic data about you to third parties. Second, we consider it very important not to compromise the quality, speed, and ease of use of our software by displaying ads in it.
Other Sites
This site contains links to other sites; is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.
Your consent to this Policy
By using our site, you agree to this Policy. This is our entire and exclusive Privacy Policy and it supersedes any earlier version. We may change it by posting a new version on our site.
This site operates as-is and as available. Any warranties of accuracy, quality, title, fitness or merchantability are disclaimed. We are not liable for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, or for events beyond our direct control. By using our site, you agree to this Policy. This is our entire and exclusive Privacy Policy and it supersedes any earlier version. We may change it by posting a new version on our site.
Texas law governs this Policy, excluding conflicts of law principles. Any provision of this Policy that is illegal or unenforceable shall be deemed automatically conformed to the minimum requirements of law. Any legal actions against us must be commenced in Texas within one year after the claim arose, or be barred.
Contacting Arise Recovery Centers
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, please contact us:
Arise Recovery Centers
5440 Harvest Hill Rd
Suite #230
Dallas, TX 75230
Call us at 214-613-0616 or visit us at
By calling or texting this number 888-339-2747, Customers agree to receive text messages, If you no longer wish to receive text messages, you may opt-out at any time by replying “STOP”
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