Meet Patricia Thomas-Miller

Patricia Thomas-Miller | TCU Therapist | Arise Recovery Centers

TCU Therapist

Patricia has a heart to serve her community.  She has always felt called to help and support those in her community that needed support, guidance, and a listening ear.  One of her assignments in supporting those in her community started in her local church as a youth pastor in Lansing, Michigan where she supported and guided at-risk youth.  Patricia began her career in chemical dependency treatment in 2016.  She is experienced in Inpatient Detox, Medication Assisted Recovery, Drug Offender classes for Opportunities Counseling, Outpatient Treatment, Case Management, Family Counseling, Individual Counseling, and Group Facilitation. 

Patricia’s drive and motivation to assist those in her community battling with the disease of addition was due to growing up watching her father battle with alcoholism.  Patricia completed her practicum hours at Millwood Hospital in Arlington, Texas and her internship at The Treehouse in Scurry, TX.  Patricia obtained a Bachelor of Science from Western Michigan University in Family Life Studies in 2011.  Patricia has a Bachelor of Theology from Destiny Christian University.  She also obtained a Master of Science degree in Addiction Counseling from Grand Canyon University in 2016.  Patricia is married with 2 daughters and 1 granddaughter.

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